NAME PukiWiki - PHP scripts for Web pages which can be edited by anyone, at any time, from anywhere. PukiWiki 1.4 Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003 PukiWiki Developers Team. License is GNU/GPL. Based on "PukiWiki" 1.3 by sng. SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION PukiWiki consists of a series of PHP Scripts designed to build a collection of web pages which can be edited by anyone without any restriction. Pukiwiki is more flexible than moderate bulletinboards. Since it ,basically, enables everyone change the design and content of any page, while you can only leave messages in bulletinboards. PukiWiki is a unique Wiki-Engine which is based on the YukiWiki specification created by Mr. Hiroshi Yuki. Mr. sng continued its development until the release of PukiWiki 1.3, and PukiWiki Developers Team inherited the development from him after 1.3.1b. PukiWiki is written in PHP, so it's relatively easy to install on a web server which supports PHP. PukiWiki is distributed under GPL. Thus it is, so to speak, a Free Software! REQUIREMENTS PukiWiki is only written in PHP, so it needs a PHP environment. PHP4.1 or later versions are recommended. To use the multibyte features, PHP with multibyte extensions is needed. HOW TO MAKE SITE 1. Download a PukiWiki package. The latest package can be obtained from 2. Extract the package on a local system or a target system. The default name for the root directory of the system is "pukiwiki". You may change it to another name if necessary. 3. Edit pukiwiki.ini.php to make it fit to your environment. Common setting : pukiwiki.ini.php Settings for each agent: I-MODE(NTT),AirH"(DDIPocket) : i_mode.ini.php J-PHONE : jphone.ini.php Default( any other above ) : default.ini.php String replace setting : rules.ini.php 4. Change the file permission as follows Directory Permission (more secure (*1)) attach 777 707 backup 777 707 cache 777 707 counter 777 707 diff 777 707 face 755 705 image 755 705 plugin 755 705 skin 755 705 trackback 777 707 wiki 777 707 File attach/* 666 606 backup/* 666 606 cache/* 666 606 diff/* 666 606 face/* 644 604 image/* 644 604 plugin/* 644 604 skin/* 644 604 trackback/* 666 606 wiki/* 666 606 *.php 644 604 *.lng 644 604 *.txt 644 604 5. Now you are ready to access the site ! Please point your browser to: http://[your domain]/[pukiwiki dir]/pukiwiki.php HOW TO MAKE A BACKUP OF DATA The document data is stored in the "wiki" directory. (default setting) Please make a backup of your "wiki" directory. And, if necessary, also make backups of the other directories - namely, "attach" , "backup", "counter", "cache", "diff" and "trackback" with default setting. HOW TO CREATE PAGE 1. Click on ''New'' menu ( at the top of a page) or ''new icon '' (at the bottom of a page), then a page displaying an input box will open. Please input whatever name you like for the new page and push the button, then the new page will be created in edit mode. 2. Every time you write a WikiName, which includes at least two capitalized letters in a word, or BracketName enclosing on a page, the question mark, "?", appears at the tail of the written word. If you click the mark, a new page with an editable textfield is displayed, and you can modify the page as you usually edit a page. RULES FOR TEXT FORMATTING Refer to [[Text Formatting Rule]] page. INTERWIKI The InterWiki feature is supported from version 1.11 on. InterWiki originally meant the function that established links among Wiki Sites. The present InterWiki can connect any web site to strings. This expanded feature is very convenient even though it is now a conceptually different function. This function is ported nearly completely from Tiki. Please refer to [[InterWikiTechnical]] page for details. RDF/RSS Since version 1.2.1, the function to create RDF/RSS from RecentChanges has been supported. * RSS 0.91 output example http://pukiwiki/index.php?cmd=rss * RSS 1.0 (RDF) output example INCOMPATIBILIY BETWEEN 1.3 AND 1.4 1. [[WikiName]] and WikiName means the same page. 2. 1.3.x is different from 1.4.x in the format of "Definition List": ": :" in 1.3.X and ": |" in 1.4.X 3. "List" and "Quotation" can contain the other "List" and "Quotation" as its Child Element. (1.3.x : "List" can contain only the same kind of "List",ex., "-" can contain "-","--"... . "Quataion" can contain only "Quatation".) CHANGELOG * 2003-11-17 1.4.2 by PukiWiki Developers Team Fixed BugTrack/487 (AutoLink probrem) [[cvs:func.php]](v1.4:r1.54) Fixed BugTrack/488 (mb_substr() implementation) [[cvs:mbsring.php]](v1.4:r1.9) Fixed function name conflict [[cvs:convert_html.php]](v1.4:r1.57) Update plugin/ [[cvs:plugin/]](v1.4:r1.18) Fixed parameter error handling [[cvs:plugin/]](v1.4:r1.16) Fixed variable name mismatch [[cvs:plugin/]](v1.4:r1.9) * 2003-11-10 1.4.1 by PukiWiki Developers Team Fixed BugTrack/478 Fixed BugTrack/479 Fixed BugTrack/480 Fixed BugTrack/482 Fixed BugTrack/483 Fixed BugTrack/485 Fixed BugTrack/486 Update plugin/ Fixed backup.php (array initialize) * 2003-11-03 1.4 by PukiWiki Developers Team First official release of 1.4 series TODO AUTHOR PukiWiki Developers Team. Based on "PukiWiki" 1.3 by sng Please send questions, opinions and bug reports to LICENCE PukiWiki is distributed under GNU GPL/2 (GNU General Public License) . ( ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, thanks so much to the users of PukiWiki and the members of PukiWiki Developers Team. Special thanks to Mr. sng who developed the first PukiWiki. And also thanks to Mr. Hiroshi Yuki who was willing to accept our cloning YukiWiki and Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc. who created the original WikiWikiWeb. REFERENCE * PukiWiki Web Site * PukiWiki Developer's Site * sng's Web Site * Hiroshi Yuki 's Web Site * YukiWiki * Tiki * Original WikiWikiWeb * Author of WikiWikiWeb(Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc.)