+ is placed at the beginning of a line that was newly added.
! is placed at the beginning of a line that has possibly been updated.
Edit those lines, and submit again.';
$_msg_collided_auto = 'It seems that someone has already updated this page while you were editing it.
The collision has been corrected automatically, but there may still be some problems with the page.
To confirm the changes to the page, press [Update].
$_msg_invalidiwn = ' $1 is not a valid $2.';
$_msg_invalidpass = 'Invalid password.';
$_msg_notfound = 'The page was not found.';
$_msg_addline = 'The added line is THIS COLOR.';
$_msg_delline = 'The deleted line is THIS COLOR.';
$_msg_goto = 'Go to $1.';
$_msg_andresult = 'In the page $2, $3 pages that contain all the terms $1 were found.';
$_msg_orresult = 'In the page $2, $3 pages that contain at least one of the terms $1 were found.';
$_msg_notfoundresult = 'No page which contains $1 has been found.';
$_msg_symbol = 'Symbols';
$_msg_other = 'Others';
$_msg_help = 'View Text Formatting Rules';
$_msg_week = array('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat');
$_msg_content_back_to_top = '
Delete %s.
', 'msg_list' => 'List of attached file(s)', 'msg_listpage' => 'File already exists in $1', 'msg_listall' => 'Attached file list of all pages', 'msg_file' => 'Attach file', 'msg_maxsize' => 'Maximum file size is %s.', 'msg_count' => ' %s download', 'msg_password' => 'password', 'msg_adminpass'=> 'Administrator password', 'msg_delete' => 'Delete file.', 'msg_freeze' => 'Freeze file.', 'msg_unfreeze' => 'Unfreeze file.', 'msg_isfreeze' => 'File is frozen.', 'msg_require' => '(require administrator password)', 'msg_filesize' => 'size', 'msg_date' => 'date', 'msg_dlcount' => 'access count', 'msg_md5hash' => 'MD5 hash', 'msg_page' => 'Page', 'msg_filename' => 'Stored filename', 'err_noparm' => 'Cannot upload/delete file in $1', 'err_exceed' => 'File size too large to $1', 'err_exists' => 'File already exists in $1', 'err_notfound' => 'Could not fid the file in $1', 'err_noexist' => 'File does not exist.', 'err_delete' => 'Cannot delete file in $1', 'err_password' => 'Wrong password.', 'err_adminpass'=> 'Wrong administrator password', 'btn_upload' => 'Upload', 'btn_info' => 'Information', 'btn_submit' => 'Submit' ); /////////////////////////////////////// // back.inc.php $_msg_back_word = 'Back'; /////////////////////////////////////// // backup.inc.php $_title_backup_delete = 'Deleting backup of $1'; $_title_backupdiff = 'Backup diff of $1(No. $2)'; $_title_backupnowdiff = 'Backup diff of $1 vs current(No. $2)'; $_title_backupsource = 'Backup source of $1(No. $2)'; $_title_backup = 'Backup of $1(No. $2)'; $_title_pagebackuplist = 'Backup list of $1'; $_title_backuplist = 'Backup list'; $_msg_backup_deleted = 'Backup of $1 has been deleted.'; $_msg_backup_adminpass = 'Please input the password for deleting.'; $_msg_backuplist = 'List of Backups'; $_msg_nobackup = 'There are no backup(s) of $1.'; $_msg_diff = 'diff'; $_msg_nowdiff = 'diff current'; $_msg_source = 'source'; $_msg_backup = 'backup'; $_msg_view = 'View the $1.'; $_msg_deleted = ' $1 has been deleted.'; /////////////////////////////////////// // calendar_viewer.inc.php $_err_calendar_viewer_param = 'Parameter is required.'; $_err_calendar_viewer_param2 = 'Wrong second parameter.'; $_msg_calendar_viewer_right = 'Next %d>>'; $_msg_calendar_viewer_left = '<< Prev %d'; $_msg_calendar_viewer_restrict = 'Due to the blocking, the calendar_viewer cannot refer to $1.'; /////////////////////////////////////// // calendar2.inc.php $_calendar2_plugin_edit = '[edit]'; $_calendar2_plugin_empty = '%s is empty.'; /////////////////////////////////////// // chmod.inc.php $_chmod_messages = array( 'title_chmod' => 'Change Permissions', 'msg_chmod' => 'change permission of all files (excluding dot file) in the checked directory.', 'msg_execute' => 'Execute', 'msg_complete' => 'Done processing.', 'msg_adminpass' => 'Administrator Password.', 'err_invalid_pass' => 'Wrong Password.', 'err_cannot_opendir' => 'Cannot open directory $1.There is no child page in \' $1\'
'; $_ls2_msg_title = 'List of pages which begin with \' $1\''; /////////////////////////////////////// // memo.inc.php $_btn_memo_update = 'update'; /////////////////////////////////////// // navi.inc.php $_navi_prev = 'Prev'; $_navi_next = 'Next'; $_navi_up = 'Up'; $_navi_home = 'Home'; /////////////////////////////////////// // newpage.inc.php $_msg_newpage = 'new page'; /////////////////////////////////////// // paint.inc.php $_paint_messages = array( 'field_name' => 'Name', 'field_filename'=> 'Filename', 'field_comment' => 'Comment', 'btn_submit' => 'paint', 'msg_max' => '(Max %d x %d)', 'msg_title' => 'Paint and Attach to $1', 'msg_title_collided' => 'On updating $1, there was a collision.', 'msg_collided' => 'It seems that someone has already updated this page while you were editing it.error:%s
', 'err_nomatch' => 'no matching page(s)', 'err_notvalid' => 'the new name is invalid.', 'err_adminpass' => 'Incorrect administrator password.', 'err_notpage' => '%s is not a valid pagename.', 'err_norename' => 'cannot rename %s.', 'err_already' => 'already exists :%s.', 'err_already_below' => 'The following files already exist.', 'msg_title' => 'Rename page', 'msg_page' => 'specify source page name', 'msg_regex' => 'rename with regular expressions.', 'msg_related' => 'related pages', 'msg_do_related' => 'A related page is also renamed.', 'msg_rename' => 'rename %s', 'msg_oldname' => 'current page name', 'msg_newname' => 'new page name', 'msg_adminpass' => 'Administrator password', 'msg_arrow' => '->', 'msg_exist_none' => 'page is not processed when it already exists.', 'msg_exist_overwrite' => 'page is overwritten when it already exists.', 'msg_confirm' => 'The following files will be renamed.', 'msg_result' => 'The following files have been overwritten.', 'btn_submit' => 'Submit', 'btn_next' => 'Next' ); /////////////////////////////////////// // search.inc.php $_title_search = 'Search'; $_title_result = 'Search result of $1'; $_msg_searching = 'Key words are case-insenstive, and are searched for in all pages.'; $_btn_search = 'Search'; $_btn_and = 'AND'; $_btn_or = 'OR'; /////////////////////////////////////// // source.inc.php $_source_messages = array( 'msg_title' => 'Source of $1', 'msg_notfound' => ' $1 was not found.', 'err_notfound' => 'cannot display the page source.' ); /////////////////////////////////////// // template.inc.php $_msg_template_start = 'Start:$1
', 'msg_limit' => 'top $2 results out of $1.', 'btn_page' => 'Page', 'btn_name' => 'Name', 'btn_real' => 'Realname', 'btn_submit' => 'Add', 'btn_date' => 'Date', 'btn_refer' => 'Refer page', 'btn_base' => 'Base page', 'btn_update' => 'Update', 'btn_past' => 'Past', ); /////////////////////////////////////// // unfreeze.inc.php $_title_isunfreezed = ' $1 is not frozen'; $_title_unfreezed = ' $1 has been unfrozen.'; $_title_unfreeze = 'Unfreeze $1'; $_msg_unfreezing = 'Please input the password for unfreezing.'; $_btn_unfreeze = 'Unfreeze'; /////////////////////////////////////// // versionlist.inc.php $_title_versionlist = 'version list'; /////////////////////////////////////// // vote.inc.php $_vote_plugin_choice = 'Selection'; $_vote_plugin_votes = 'Vote'; /////////////////////////////////////// // yetlist.inc.php $_title_yetlist = 'List of pages which have not yet been created.'; $_err_notexist = 'All pages have been created.'; ?>